Outreach Efforts
Kaizenite would like to link its ideas or practices to the work of other organizations, groups, particular audiences, or the broader public. If you are interested in collaborating or holding a presentation with us, email us at kaizenite@gemcenters.org.
Outreach Project India
While searching for new outreach opportunities, two Kaizenite team members Faizan and Ifra traveled to India in the Summer of 2022 and met with local school students and explained how to think like scientists, solve the problem like engineers, about FIRST Tech Challenge, Robotics and the importance of STEM to those passionate students in their local language Tamil, and Urdu besides English.
Our team is fortunate to have such motivated and enthusiastic students who kept the FTC message alive even 9000 miles away from their home in Dallas TX.
Shoutout and many thanks to Faizan and Ifra.
Outreach Project Los Angles
Although going on a personal trip to LA, the Kaizenite team member Bilal didn't miss the opportunity to convey the message of the FIRST movement and about the global robotics community to the young students. He explained to them all about GEM Robotics and how the young generation can get involved in this program.
Standing at his hotel lounge after breakfast, he found a few families over there with young kids and captured all their attention. Wearing GEM's t-shirt, he amazed them with his newly formed robotics team and how many things his team is involved in...
Our team is fortunate to have such motivated and enthusiastic students who kept the FTC message alive on the west coast too.
Shoutout and many thanks to Bilal.